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FOCUS - Befrienders and Mentors Needed

Emma Longden

Can you offer some time to help?

PramaLife need volunteers to offer support for carers in the Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch area.

We are constantly developing socially distanced services for people across Dorset, If you can help as a befriender, or want to run a telephone friendship group then get in touch. Volunteering is very easy to start, and it will make a huge difference in peoples lives.

As a befriender you will be matched with a carer who you can meet with and have a telephone friendship with. This will create a vital sounding board for carers or just allow you both to chat about something other than their caring duties.

As a mentor you will have cared for someone and be able to share your experience and offer guidance. We know this is invaluable to new carers and to those whose circumstances have changed. Some may be struggling to cope or feel overwhelmed and frustrated.

You will encourage them to seek help or just to lend an empathetic ear.

These roles can be 1-2 hours a week or more.

If you are interested in volunteering, simply email or contact Diana Perie on 077160991618 or 01202 207300


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