PramaLife Information Event
Thursday 23 November 9:00 am - 12:30 pm
The Allendale Centre, Wimborne, BH21 1AS
On Thursday 23 November 2023, PramaLife, in collaboration with Dorset Council, BCP Council, Carer Support Dorset and Leonardo Trust and 28 other organisations will be coming together for the annual Carers Rights Day event, offering support and guidance to unpaid carers in Dorset.
Whether you have recently become a carer, realised you have been caring for a while without support or have been caring for someone for many years, it’s important that you understand your rights and are able to access the support that is available to you whenever you need it.

This is an information event , being held at The Allendale Centre in Wimborne, there will be stands with information on services available to help carers, along with refreshments and goodies for carers to take away.
In addition, an activity room will be available for any cared for person, whilst the carer attends the event.
Carers Rights Day gives organisations the opportunity empower carers with information and support. Helping them to feel confident asking for what they need and challenge things when their rights are not being met, whether that be that in the workplace or education, in accessing health or social care, when interacting with other professionals or at home.
This Carers Rights Day Event is a way for local unpaid carers to be able to benefit from help and advice, and to ensure that carers are aware of their rights.
Prama offer specific services, tailored to Carers, to find out how we can help you as a carer, please call the team on 01202 207329 to talk through your situation. All calls are treated confidentially, and if we aren’t the right solution for you, we will try our best to signpost you to other support or help.
"My befriender helps me to feel more normal, especially when I know I can share my caring role with her because she has experience caring for her own mum who has Alzheimer’s. Talking to someone else makes me feel that I am in not in it alone."
FOCUS - Friends Offering People who are Cared-for, living in the BCP area, a level of Understanding and Support.
Befriending - FOCUS provides you, as a carer, the opportunity to talk and focus on you. Our Befriending volunteers are recruited for their listening and communication skills. We can match you up with a fully trained volunteer befriender with similar interests to chat with on a regular basis on the phone or face to face, offering friendship and a sounding board.
Mentoring - If you are new to caring or your circumstances are changing, we can also support you with a volunteer mentor, who are existing or former carers. They can offer you guidance, provide you with useful information and advice or their personal experience for your future caring role.
Organisations attending…
Help & Care
Minstead Trust
Utility Warehouse
Connected Living
In Jolly Good Company
Growing Compassionate Communities
Wimborne Dementia Friendly Town
Ferndown Manor
Welfare & Benefits
Carers Support Dorset
SWAN advocacy
Age UK
Poole Hospital carers support
Barchester CH
Colten Care
Healthwatch Dorset
Forward Carers
Abbeyfield Wessex
Go South Coast
Lester Aldridge
Royal Voluntary Service
Scams Trading Standards
Adult Social Services
The event is a drop in event so there is no need to book but if you require more information contact, or call 07736 133445.